From Recruiter to Client Success Manager – Kamila Sadło

What awaits recruiters who decide to join Talent Place? Development, support and a sense of belonging to the community. Kamila Sadło, a recruiter and Client Success Manager at Talent Place, told us about her beginnings in Community, building a career in recruitment and working with HR experts from across Poland.

What was your career path like before you came to Talent Place?

Before Talent Place, I worked at a temporary employment agency for three years and there I learned everything from the ground up – it was my first exposure to recruiting. Later, I still worked for a year at another temporary employment agency, but was fired by the coronavirus, as the person with the least seniority in the branch. And then something had to be done with itself (laughs). That’s why I started working remotely as a recruiter-freelancer. I started working with a larger employment agency, where I was looking for people to fill production positions, such as warehouseman or forklift driver. In January 2021, I got a call back from a recruiter at Talent Place – it turned out that the company was looking for recruiters for engineering positions and they were considering my candidacy. I passed the whole process and was hired. Since then I have been actively working all the time, and I can say that the longer I am here, the more interesting projects I get. Now, for example, I coordinate the recruitment of interns for the Polish branch of a multinational corporation.

What made you decide to join the Talent Place community?

I believed that there would be an opportunity to develop here. In the case of temporary employment agencies, there are no such great prospects in this regard. You can’t create your future too much, you have an activity imposed on you and you just do it. I not only wanted to recruit for lower positions, but also for higher positions. I knew I was a good recruiter who could afford to do more, but I just hadn’t had the opportunity to show it before. Here the opportunity came and I took it. I thought I would give it a try. It wasn’t a full-time job, so it didn’t cost me anything. So I joined Talent Place, proved myself, and I know I want to continue to be here.

What concerns did you have about joining the recruiting community?

I had concerns about whether I would be able to cope, whether the positions I was supposed to recruit for would prove too difficult, as I had not conducted similar ones before. That it will be hard. But later it turned out that it’s not so bad at all. This initial period when you have to implement yourself in a particular recruitment, in a company, always takes place, and also in my case it did. I had to build my candidate base, a profile on LinkedIn. I didn’t do this before, I only recruited on a job advertisement basis. Here I had to build my image as a recruiter. Fortunately, I felt that I had the support of a Client Success Manager who helped and supported me at every stage.

What was your path in the Talent Place community like? What has changed since you’ve been working here?

At first I was a recruiter, and since July I have been a Client Success Manager. This is a new role for me, I am still learning. For now, I’m implementing my ideas, seeing what I can do to make my team work together as well as possible.

What does your workday look like?

The work day always begins with coffee (laughs). This is the basis. First coffee, then I turn on the computer, check my mail, respond to current needs, have meetings with candidates, interviews. It’s hard to call it a structured workday. Candidates are available at various times. Sometimes I do the interview at 8:00 am, sometimes at 7:00 pm. There are no fixed hours. We rely mainly on the candidates and their availability – it is known that they are usually less available during the day, rather in the morning or in the evenings. So it is impossible to define a fixed ritual every day. This is changing all the time.

What does working at Talent Place give you? What kinds of things do you particularly appreciate?

At Talent Place, I feel part of a community, part of something bigger. It gives me such a boost to do things. I see that I can develop here. Nor am I an unknown person in this company: it is often the case in corporations that an employee is some kind of cog, not necessarily associated by name, by face. I think it’s also nice here that the company is open, with a lot of young recruiters on board, for example, looking for single assignments. And among them I don’t feel like such a cog, I feel that I belong to a close-knit team. This is a great value. I think, especially these days, it’s very important to feel part of something bigger.

What value do you see in the community that is Talent Place?

I know I am not alone. I can share problems with other people, talk when I need something or just get advice from candidates. I came across a team where the girls are available and willing to help. I can actually count on them at any time of the day. I think this kind of communication is important, that if I have a problem I can refer myself to certain people and I know they will help. This is a great value for me. For example, if it were the case that I have a problem and someone only answers me in two days, I would feel pushed away.

To whom would you recommend working at Talent Place?

I recommend it to everyone (laughs)! Really. I think this is a great idea. The way the company operates, that is, there are specific assignments to be made – I love working so task-oriented. I like to be given a project to do and then be held accountable for completing it, not for sitting in an office from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Then I see my results and this is very motivating for me, it gives me the strength to work. If someone has the same, they will find themselves here 100 percent. From my perspective – I recommend it to everyone. To friends who work in the industry, I will definitely recommend, because I think Talent Place is a great organization.

Piotr Pawłowski

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