Recruitment in the RPO model – 8 benefits for your company

When a company is considering working with an HR agency, it can choose one of the many cooperation models. The service of hiring a recruiter (or the entire team), who becomes part of the client’s team and carries out the entire process under his supervision and brand, is very popular on the market. This model, Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO), results in establishing a long-term company-agency relationship, which is associated with many benefits that are lacking in occasional cooperation. Why is it like that? Below you will find 8 benefits that your company can gain from cooperation in the RPO model recruitment with Talent Place.

RPO at Talent Place and its benefits

1. Support from the internal team

The scale of employment is increasing and your team does not know “what to put your hands into”? In the RPO model, your team gains support on the sections of work it needs. Do you want to build a pipeline of candidates? Hire a sourcer. You have no experience in recruiting programmers? Hire an IT recruiter. In addition, our RPO experts will support your internal teams all the time: from planning and strategy, to coordination of activities and onboarding. Together, they will also take care of the company’s Employer Branding and Candidate Experience.

2. Experience in the industry

Recruitment support can only be effective if it is entrusted to experts. Our RPO recruiters are specialists in their fields, supported by experience on the market. Their advantage is quick implementation into the structure of the organization and readiness to act. The advantage of hiring the Talent Place community is the fact that we have teams specializing in various industries, from IT, BPO / SSC, to Sales, Marketing, Engineering, Customer Service, etc.

3. Financial savings

More advantages of RPO? Outsourcing the recruitment process as part of cooperation with the agency also means lower costs compared to orders for individual projects. Why? Instead of a specific amount for recruiting a specific employee, the company pays a monthly subscription for hiring a recruiter and a low success fee for employment. This makes recruitment outsourcing 2 to 5 times cheaper than other cooperation models. It’s simple: the more people you plan to hire per month, the more RPO will pay off!

4. Staff savings

Since your company hires recruiters, you don’t need to hire new people in your HR teams. Instead of fixed costs, you have variable costs. All you have to do is provide the most important information about the company and the process and present your expectations, and we will find suitable recruiters who will immediately start working on the project. Also, other organizational issues, such as recruiting employment, responsibility for their development, training and tools belong to the agency, not the company.

5. Effective recruitment

Thanks to close cooperation with the internal team and Hiring Managers, our RPO recruiters provide matching candidates even faster than in the traditional model of cooperation with external agencies. In addition, we guarantee that our recruiters, thanks to the support of the Talent Place community, achieve similar or often better results than internal recruiters.

6. Support for the Talent Place community

Establishing cooperation with our community, which operates on the basis of crowdstaffing, is an added value for the company. Recruiters working under the outsourcing of recruitment processes have a network of over 200 recruiters from various industries who recommend candidates to each other and share their knowledge about new, effective sourcing methods. But that’s not all – we care about the development of our recruiters, improving competencies and regular feedback on job satisfaction and motivation.

7. Process optimization

Cooperation with the RPO recruiter is not only about recruiting support. An HR expert in your company, exclusive to the implementation of recruitment processes, can help in all HR processes: he will suggest, for example, how to arrange career paths in the company or how to take care of Employer Branding . In addition, you can count on the analysis of the activities carried out and on its basis draw conclusions which activities would improve the recruitment processes in your company.

8. Flexibility

RPO recruiters are flexible and able to adapt to changes taking place at the client’s. Has your company experienced a greater recruitment need in a given period? You can temporarily increase your RPO team and we will provide people with the appropriate competences. In turn, if you need to reduce the team at a given moment, it is also possible in the RPO model.

There are even more RPO benefits. During the cooperation in the indicated model, the recruitment agency becomes support for your business and HR departments. At Talent Place, ranked as one of the best IT Services Staffing Firms, we focus on constant contact with the HR team and Hiring Managers, which allows us to effectively implement your company’s recruitment strategy, in line with its values, principles and organizational culture.

Piotr Pawłowski

Advantages of RPO

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