6 useful tools for IT recruiters

The work should not be hard. Calendly, Grammarly, Glossary Tech… there are a lot of tools used by HR recruiter that will improve the daily work. In this article, I will share my proven working recruiter tools. I invite you to read!

Calendly https://calendly.com/

Do you think it takes too much time to set up meetings with candidates in person? Connect your Google account with Calendly! It is a recruiter tool for making external appointments. Connect your Gmail or another account with Calendly and in the message to the Candidate include a link to your calendar in Calendly – from now on the Candidate himself can choose a free slot in your calendar for a meeting. It definitely streamlines calli appointments without taking up your time.

Grammarly https://www.grammarly.com/

If you communicate in English, it’s a good idea to have spelling autocorrect. Not only will it help you catch unwanted typos or syntax errors, but it will also help you respond faster to messages from candidates and send emails to clients. Communication with this recruiter tool will be faster and clearer.

Glossary tech https://glossarytech.com/

It’s a Google browser plug-in that makes it easy for a non-technical person to understand a technology stack. If you’re having trouble understanding a role, not sure if it’s backend or frontend, or maybe DevOps, be sure to try this recruiter tool. It has helped me more than once and continues to help me better understand the role I am recruiting for. Plus, I’m learning the technology 😉 .

Recruit’em https://recruitin.net/

It is a recruiter tool that allows you to search for candidates on several platforms, such as LinkedIn, GitHub, Dribbble, Xing, Stack Overflow, Twitter.

BOOL: Boolean Search Assistant bool-boolean search

This is an overlay for the Google browser to facilitate the boolean search for information. Valuable for beginners and for those who have a poor memory of Boolean operators. 🙃

LinkedIn Recruiter Tool Lite account

Read what they are differences between Recruiter and Recruiter Lite accounts

Allows you to use more than 20 search filters, the search includes 3rd-degree contacts, plus you have 30 InMails to use per month.

It is worth choosing those tools that serve us and improve our work. The work of an IT Recruiter is all about quick response and efficient outreach to candidates. The recruiter tools I mentioned above can help you with your work, but it is important to test and see what will work best for you. Choose what helps you and has the best effect on your work. And what recruiter tools do you use?

Read also what is Work-life Fit and Crowdstaffing.

Natalia Szubert

narzędzia rekrutacyjne w IT

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