How to create effective messages to the candidates?

How we first contact a potential candidate is of paramount importance. How your message on LinkedIn is structured is extremely important during the recruitment process. How do you write recruitment emails to candidates to attract attention? What opportunities does LinkedIn give us?

What are the types of accounts on LinkedIn?

LinkedIn, as a business portal, gives us as many as 5 types of profiles. Each is useful in a different industry, being tailored to its specific needs. The Basic profile, is a 100% free account. It has some limitations, but for many users its functions are sufficient.

Career Account

One of the first paid profiles is a career account. It is used by job-seeking candidates. Among other things, it has access to training. And also the opportunity to see how the candidate compares with others at a given offer, and to check the salary for the position of interest. Another benefit is the ability to send a message directly to the recruiter who posted the offer in question. This is a great convenience for the candidate, as they can contact the recruiter directly and apply or inquire about the offer they are interested in. It makes communication with candidates very easy. Of other interest – a career account gives you access to see who has visited your profile in the last 90 days.

Recruiter Lite

The next type is Recruiter Lite account – the most popular among recruiters. It allows you to send 30 emails messages to job candidates per month to people you don’t have in your contacts. It is worth remembering that unused e-mails are not forfeited, but pass on to the next month, also our pool increases. With Recruiter Lite you can Review the applications of people up to 3. degree of contacts – are people with whom you are not acquaintances and have no common contacts (friends, acquaintances, acquaintances). LinkedIn also suggests candidates, for example, to other potentially interested candidates with similar skills and to people you have contacted before.

Business Account

What benefits the profile aimed at entrepreneurs or business account offers Similar to the career account – access to courses. And also a comparison engine that will allow you to determine how you compare with your competitors – other businesses. Also at your disposal is the career insights panel, where you can compare salary ranges, search for people to 3. degree of contacts. A pool of 15 emails recruitment to people outside the network has been made available for the business account .

Sales navigator

The last type of paid account available is sales navigator, used to expand and increase sales. Targeted at sales departments, it provides access to a tab with advanced analytics. Like the previous profiles, it allows us to see who has viewed our profile up to 90 days back and allows us to send 20 emails per month to people outside our contact group.

Types of messages on LinkedIn. InMail messages. How to message someone on LinkedIn?

The types of messages we have are 4: LinkedIn InMail, a message with a note to the invitation, a message after accepting the invitation, and the so-called “invitation”. followup.

Starting with the first one mentioned or LinkedIn InMail – this is a message directed to the candidate’s email inbox. If you send a message to a person you have in your contacts, it will be free. However, if it is someone outside the network, the number of available credits will decrease. An InMail message consists of a title, content and a call to action (that is, a call to action).

Starting with the title – it should be as short as possible, containing up to 10 words, or less than 200 characters. Secondly, it has to be specific, it has to show the recipient what you expect from them. It is best to review the candidate’s profile and adjust the title under him, such as his publications. It is also good for it to be unusual, immediately striking among other messages. How to message someone about a job on LinkedIn?

Moving on to the content, it’s a good idea to keep it short and concise, state your purpose, describe what you have in common with the candidate. Are you interested in something on his profile, you also deal with it? Share your experiences, common contacts or interests. It is important to be yourself in all of this, choosing words that show what kind of person you are. Also show interest in the recipient’s achievements. Remember not to paste the full description or link to the listing right away. The email by this will be too long and there is little chance that you will interest the candidate in this way. Point out what is most important.

Apply call to action. Offer to contact the candidate if they want more information. You can ask for the number yourself or leave a link to the calendar to arrange a conversation regarding the details of the offer. If the proposal would not suit the person -. Ask what he is looking for, what interests him, maybe that way he will come back in a while or you will be able to offer him another position. It’s also a good idea to ask for recommendations, maybe he knows someone who would fit in perfectly and is looking for a job in the position or industry you are recruiting for.

What are some other types of messages on LinkedIn that you can use to reach candidates?

An invitation note message is a very short form to include when inviting your contacts to network. It is a specific, concise message, telling the person why we sent the invitation. It is a good idea to include information about the purpose of the invitation, or to refer to the situation in which your meeting took place.

Next is the message after accepting the invitation, it is a kind of thank you for being accepted into the contact network, it is a description of the reason for sending the message and the content proper. You can refer in it, for example, to specific publications of the candidate, e.g. I was interested in your post on…. If the person was, for example, a speaker, conducted a webinar, etc. – In this case, mention an interesting lecture, a personal meeting. It is important to show that you are interested in the person and describe your proposal. Finally, add a call to action to get feedback. Something in the climate: Would you be interested in knowing more details?If so, let us know!

The last type of messages, are the so-called followup, most often used in sales, but not only. This is a reminder to ourselves with a particular subject, in a situation where we have not received a response to an earlier e-mail. Are they worth writing? Of course! Sometimes a message will simply slip away among other emails. Take into account that the candidate is contacted by many people, so such situations can happen. All the more reason to remind yourself with a follow-up.

When to write followup emails?

In fact, it depends on the dates on which the message was sent to the candidate. Whether it was a day off, a vacation, a weekend, a vacation, the end of the week – then most often checking boxes is limited. When to write followup emails? It is worth waiting until the end of a given break, or even 48h after the end of the break, for a response. After that, as much as possible you can send a reminder message. It will be, for example: I have not received any response to the message I sent – did it reach you? Or: I want to add that the terms and conditions have changed and the offer now looks as follows….

Summary, best practices in news writing

Remember to personalize your invitations and the messages you send. Let the candidate feel that this is not a mass invitation. Before you decide to send them, to begin with, review the person’s profile. In particular, pay attention to the “summary” tab, there you will find a lot of useful information that you can use to personalize your message. Once you send an invitation – don’t put sales information in it. Posting them may result in not accepting the invitation, ignoring it. Messages that are too personal won’t be a good idea either. Focus on specifics so that the message is not too long. When a candidate has displayed your profile, and you want to invite him, do not write: Hi, I noticed that you displayed my profile. .. Similarly with the default invitation content, avoid it. This will not have the desired result. If you want to build a good relationship with the person you’re writing to from the very first message, don’t start by addressing the person as “you.” It will be safer to write Mr./Ms. in the first message and then ask about the change of form. Think about what message would interest you. Think about what message you would be interested in and which one you would open. On the other side is first and foremost a human being, therefore – write the kind of messages on LinkedIn that YOU would like to get.

Find out also what talent pooling and crowdstaffing are.

Patrycja Cieślik

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