How to get Z generations employees to fight for your job offer?

Generation Z – some of them have already started their career path, some are about to start and some will do it in a few or several years. What should a potential employer do to make the offer attractive for young people? I have been running my own business for 4 years and most of my team is representing GEN Z. I am hiring 10 people and have plenty of CVs in my office. How have I done it? Here are some simple ways you can effectively use while preparing for the employees to come.

1. Take care. I care about „my” people, about the atmosphere at my company. We are PARTNERS! I am a kind of a boss who is a leader that works WITH my team, I do not only control their work and require. I show them things, I am trying to be a role model, a leader that is always next to my employees. We do all the work together, as partners. I am pretty sure it attracts them. Frankly speaking, I use Beniamin Franklin’s words at my place… “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” It really works!

2. Generation Z is very ambitious. They want to be better and better, so you should make a space for learning and development. Prepare scholarships, courses, training, they really appreciate it. An effective way to connect with the younger generation is to let them notice that you not only care about them at your company, but that you also care about their growth as human beings. I regularly go with my employees for training and we also invite specialists to our place.

3. Flexibility. They need a flexible boss and an elastic work schedule. It can be very hard for an employer to make it work but they also need to be understanding and accept that sometimes their disposition might be changed. If there is a high level of loyalty between employees and employers that should not be a problem. Communication is a key.

4. Social Media. They are real social media animals! I have recently asked my team to make reels on Instagram – it was an awesome idea! They were excited and super focused on the task. Generation Z prefers image and sound over text messages. Zoomers use the achievements of technology in a creative way. Credibility is the core value for generation Z. They do not trust idealized campaigns created by the media. Instead, they care about authenticity, diversity and transparency. This is extremely important in the context of brand building, especially since zoomers focus on responsible and conscious consumption.

5. Give them their own voice. Make them feel important, make them feel that their voice is heard and respected. Be a employer who takes their opinions into account and who is open for their decisions. Present your gen z employees possibilities to share their ideas. You never know: what they come up with just might make your business improve. I always listen, consider the ideas and decide about implementing it for my company.

6. Creating a community. No generation has as strong a sense of social disengagement as Generation Z. Giving young employees the opportunity to participate in various actions and initiatives will help them feel more empowered and connected to their workplaces. In my company, we run various charity events and meet after work to spend time together. That makes us partners.

In conclusion, taking into consideration the fact that gen z is just entering the labor market companies still have a space to prepare for their days to come. Avoid throwing them into deep waters, be a partner, you will have more to achieve by guiding them and preparing caring workplace practices.


Ewa Strong

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