Crowdstaffing as one of the most effective methods of conducting effective recruitment

Is there a way to unite great HR professionals from several business areas, combine their career goals, give them a chance for multi-track development, and at the same time raise recruiting standards for multiple industries all the time? The answer is yes!

This is due to the increasingly dynamic digitized recruitment model of crowdstaffing. The idea of effective crowdstaffing has been known on the international market for many years, in Poland the first attempts to create a , “community of recruiters” took place in 2016. Talent Place, a recruitment company, has decided on such a model of operation. Recruitment through the community has allowed the company to be very successful in its processes and close projects quickly, efficiently and with the highest quality. How does crowdstaffing work and why is it the best recruitment method on the market?

Effective Crowstaffing – definition

What is covered by the term , “crowdstaffing“? The term comes from a combination of the English words crowd – “crowd” and sourcing, meaning “sourcing, procurement.” Refers to the process by which an organization outsources recruitment tasks traditionally performed by internal HR staff, to a usually very broad group of people in the form of an open call. Effective crowdstaffing is referred to as recruiting by the community because when a collaborative network of recruiters is given a project, they join forces and work together to recruit the best candidate for the role. This recruitment method is based primarily on relationships and using the resources of multiple candidate bases simultaneously.

Pandemic realities and the development, out of necessity, of many new, fully digitized methods and work tools have made recruitment agency clients realize that entrusting recruitment to a well-chosen group of external recruiters saves significant costs and invaluable time that the in-house HR department was spending on hiring the right people. Since crowdstaffing is characterized by high efficiency in a short period of time, it is increasingly chosen by Polish and international companies.

What are the characteristics of a crowdstaffing platform using Talent Place as an example?

There are several features by which cooperation with the community stands out:

– there is always a verification of the recruitment application and evaluation of the chances of employment,

-a number of recruiters are assigned to a single project,

-recruiting tasks are entrusted to qualified recruiters, specialists in a particular industry,

– During the recruitment process, the client is kept informed of each stage and progress,

– The quality of the process is supervised by the Client Success Manager,

– High attention to candidate experience.

The effects?

-saving time and finances,

-a tailored package of selected resumes,

– First recommendation even in 7 days from the start of cooperation.

Effectiveness of the model based on the Remote Recruiting Community

The implementation of remote recruiting community projects, selected recruiters who are specialists in their field has many advantages. These are the people who know exactly where and what methods to use to reach the most passive candidates (especially in the IT industry). In addition, they have experience in recruiting people with the expected competencies and have their own developed talent pool, or database of candidates. In addition, the community is guided by the idea of talent pooling, i.e. recommending the best candidates to whom they cannot offer an expected role in another project at the moment.Thus, recruiters do not have to be involved in a given process for their candidate to participate. This is a factor in speeding up the closing of recruitment projects, even the most difficult ones!

The goal of each recruiter belonging to the Talent Place Community of Recruiters is to provide the client with quality applications in order to relieve the client from numerous operational activities and maximize the time of obtaining candidates who meet all his expectations.

High recruitment standards, that is?

Certainly, the future of recruitment is quality. Therefore, all accompanying processes must be at the highest level. This is a priority for the Talent Place Community. The client receives carefully selected Candidates, the standard is three recommendations of specialists per placement. The recruiter is responsible for conducting sourcing in Talent Place’s candidate database (several thousand active professional profiles from various industries). He also reaches out to passive candidates by direct search methods, conducts a recruiter screen and only prepares a recommendation. It is a detailed description of the candidate’s work experience.

For each successful recommendation, the recruiter receives a commission. Thus, all parties involved in the process gain. The client a new specialist to his team , the recruiter money, while the successful candidate a chance for a new job.

The best indicator of the high quality of outsourcing services offered by the Talent Place Community is the effectiveness in attracting candidates. In July 2022, 83% of the projects in July ended with employment. It is worth noting that in other recruitment agencies, the success fee rate averages between 20% and 30%! The target for providing recommendations was met in July at 93%! In contrast, 10% of all recommendations delivered in July came from the referral program.

Such results directly translate into the satisfaction of our clients, the satisfaction of recruiters with a job well done and the continued growth of the Talent Place Community.

Katarzyna Dyrda

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Talent Place is part of Everuptive Group, a provider of effective business solutions based on the potential of the Internet and modern technologies.

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