Is Work-life fit a benefit I need?

Corporate cultures have been undergoing quite a transformation in recent years. Remote and hybrid work have already taken root in our system. Our style and also the way we perform our duties has changed. In addition, flexibility plays an increasingly important role in choosing a workplace. If you are looking for a remote and flexible employment opportunity – you will very likely love the concept of work-life fit! It’s no longer a trend, it’s a reality.
How does a candidates’ self-assessment affect their employment prospects?

Many books and articles have already been written on the subject of self-assessment. What is most important for any candidate is to answer the questions: “How can self-esteem affect my development?”, “Why is it so important?”, “How do I build it?”. In this article you will get information about the important role our self-esteem plays not only in the recruitment process but also in everyday life.
How to look for a job if you do not have much experience?

Today there are many opportunities for candidates looking for work – advances in technology, the increasingly available hybrid, remote work model, open job markets. There seems to be a place for everyone. Looking for a job is a kind of project, and it’s worth putting in the effort to find a suitable model or organization. […]
How is work-life fit changing the approach to work? [Ligia Serwinowska]

A company’s organizational culture affects many aspects of life. It allows you to gain or lose motivation for action. What can the work-life fit concept bring to personal life? Read the interview with Ligia Serwinowska and get her insights on the topic!
Employment contract, B2B contract – what’s the difference? Which one to choose?

In the Polish labour market, there are many forms of contract that can be the basis of employment. In some industries, we are seeing an increase in the popularity of cooperation on the basis of the so-called “cooperation”. B2B contract, which is becoming an alternative to the traditional employment contract. Many people face the dilemma of which form of cooperation to choose. Talking with candidates, I see their little knowledge of these agreements, confusion of concepts and belief in popular myths. In this article, I decided to introduce both forms of employment. I would also add that the topic is very broad, covering many nuances that would require a whole series of publications. The purpose of this article is to provide an introduction to the topic, it is intended to be a good starting point for further consideration. I invite you to read!
Where to seek HR knowledge? Directory of recommended books, podcasts and articles

The acquisition of knowledge today compared to just a few or a dozen years ago is enormously different. The growing number of specialists and changes in the labour market has made it possible for everyone to share their knowledge in the form of course books, articles or audio or video recordings. We have the option of developing through listening or reading, depending on our preference. Today you will see some recommendations of books, podcasts or articles from Talent Place recruiters, among others.
How to become an IT recruiter?

High salaries, interesting projects for clients around the world… IT recruitment is an attractive career path for many HR experts. The road to becoming an IT recruiter doesn’t have to be difficult at all! If you are considering starting a career as an IT recruiter, be sure to read our guide. You’ll learn the answers to the most frequently asked questions, get valuable tips, and learn how to rebrand yourself as an IT recruiter in as little as 3 months.
Gallup test – what do you need to know about the Clifton Strenghts survey?

How do you discover your strengths? This is made possible by the popular CliftonStrengths survey, also known as the Gallup test. In this article you will find more information on this topic.
What gives us authenticity and awareness in our daily work

Empathy and being aware are currently gaining popularity, and are key skills that leaders and managers should possess. We need supervisors who are close to the people and who, above all, consciously manage themselves.
How does the working as RPO recruiter look like in Talent Place? Adriana Tynor

What did you do before you came to Talent Place? Similar to Talent Place – I was in charge of recruitment. Early in my recruiting career, I focused on translator roles. I managed the processes end-to-end: from the moment I received inquiries from production, through the entire onboarding process, to the delivery of the translator […]