Talent Pooling App – How to get a bonus?

Talent Pooling App is your personal ATS throughout your career and the opportunity to earn money by recommending candidates for external projects. Are you a Recruiter? Do you have your own candidate base? Take advantage of its potential! Earn a referral bonus!
Talent Pooling App – What is it? How does it work?

Talent Pooling App is a connection between recruiters, candidates and employers based on the use of AI and Machine Learning. The tool allows recruiters to work individually on their private candidate base and increase their efficiency and chances of generating revenue from their relationships.
Talent Pooling App – recommend candidates and earn

Have you heard of the Talent Pooling App? If not, be sure to check out the new product from Everuptive Group, created on the basis of experience and cooperation with the Talent Place team. Earn money by recommending candidates for external projects. Build your network of contacts consciously, maintain relationships with it and use its resources throughout your career. Stay up to date in the world of HR and automate your work! Check out the Talent Pooling App benefits.
IT Recruitment Agency – how to choose the best one?

In today’s dynamic world of technology, the IT industry is developing at a dizzying pace, and the demand for qualified specialists is constantly growing. The Polish IT industry employs over 450,000 specialists and about 50,000 companies from the IT industry, generating 8% of GDP. Companies are looking for the right candidates to help them succeed and develop their technological edge. However, finding the right IT professionals can be a challenge, which is why many companies decide to use the services of recruitment agencies specializing in the IT area.
Talent Pool: Impact of AI on employment in Poland [REPORT]

Spending in 2023 on artificial intelligence (AI) applications in the world will amount to USD 154 billion. This is over 20% of all software costs. The average annual growth rate of investments in AI is to reach 27% and exceed over USD 300 billion in 2030. What impact will the spread of artificial intelligence tools have on the labor market and employment issues? Where to find the best candidates?
Why does the 100% success fee model generate additional costs for the client?

Nowadays, many companies, driven by cost savings, prefer to use a 100% success fee model in cooperation with recruitment agencies. However, there are a number of factors that often play a role in a customer’s failure to achieve the intended goal. Despite the fact that there is no fee for the service, but only for the effect itself, there is a high risk of additional costs associated with the protracted process, which can significantly exceed the agreed amount of remuneration with the agency.
New regulations on remote working in Poland – flexibility & challenges

In today’s dynamic and technologically advanced world, the possibility of working remotely has become obvious. Amendments to the Labor Code aim to adapt to the changing reality, introducing new regulations on flexible forms of employment. The new regulations on remote work entered into force on April 7, 2023. How do they affect employees and employers and how do they shape the future of the labor market?
Where to open a Business Service Center in Poland? – the right investment [REPORT]

There are more than 400,000 specialists work in the Polish business services industry. For many years, Poland has confirmed that it is a top location when it comes to launching GBS/SSC/BPO by international corporations. It is in the top five most populous EU countries. The choice of location must be thoughtful, so we have prepared a special report comparing various factors in major cities in Poland.
Where to open an IT Hub in Poland – choose the best location [REPORT]

About 450,000 people are employed in the IT sector in Poland. Each year, more and more foreign companies decide to locate their investments here and open IT hub. Talent Place has prepared a special report on the 7 most popular cities in Poland to answer most frequently asked business questions related to investing in this country.
Employee satisfaction survey – feedback is worth its weight in gold

Offboarding an employee is a big loss for the company. It often happens that the employer receives information about the employee’s dissatisfaction only during the exit interview, when it is already too late to change the decision. Does such a scenario have to happen? Can this be prevented? Possibly. It is necessary here to systematically survey employee satisfaction, keeping in mind open communication and drawing conclusions.