Flexibility in the recruiter’s job [Magdalena Mijal]

“Is recruitment something for me?” – that’s the question many people are asking themselves when considering a career in HR. Magdalena Mijal, a recruiter at Talent Place, talked about her beginnings in the Community, looking for her own path and her flexible approach at work. What was your career path like before you came to […]
5 steps to an effective IT candidates base on LinkedIn

Crowdstaffing and the use of databases, of many HR experts working together mean that recruitment processes can be closed in as little as 7 days. This is only possible if recruiters have extensive, active and properly prepared bases. How then to build an active candidate base? Let’s take a look at it based on LinkedIn […]
The Candidate’s View: Feedback

One of the most important qualities of a good employer is the ability to provide feedback. Meanwhile, more than half of candidates say they have never received feedback on their experience and competence after receiving a rejection in a recruitment process. Feedback in recruitment – why is it so important? A candidate deserves to receive […]
Employee benefits – 3 major trends for 2022

Fruit Thursdays are a thing of the past. A new era of employee benefits has arrived – tailored to the needs of the employees as well as the vision and culture of the organization. What benefit trends are we seeing in 2022? Top employee benefits in 2022 – which ones are worth implementing? Wellbeing above […]
The Candidate’s View: 5 reasons to accept or reject a job offer

A perfectly matched Candidate is the greatest challenge for every recruiter. When the right person joins the recruitment process, goes through all the stages and the employer submits a job offer, an important question arises: are you interested in accepting a job offer? Unfortunately, as many as 1/3 of Candidates quit the process at this […]
Why are IT candidates dropping out of the hiring process? Learn the 3 most common reasons

According to the research conducted by Talent Place, as many as 30% of IT Candidates quit the recruitment process after sending a recommendation to the company. Why is this happening? How to recruit in IT to protect yourself from it? How to avoid losing candidates in hiring process? Here are the 3 most common reasons […]
Work-life fit in the work of a Business Unit Manager – Jowita Drabko

If a corporation is not for you, you prefer to make your own decisions about your work, and you want to try the work-life fit approach, Talent Place is for you! Jowita Drabko, Business Unit Manager at Talent Place, talked about why, valuing all of the above, you should join the Recruiter Community. What was […]
Flexibility and job security? This is what flexicurity looks like in practice!

Flexicurity, a combination of the flexibility and security of the term at work, is not a new concept. It started a dozen years ago in Denmark. Shortly thereafter, the concept was also presented in Poland. But why does the idea still struggle to break through in the Polish labour market? Flexicurity – Danish theory and […]
Work-life fit – the future on the labor market?

If you got 1 coin every time you hear or see the slogan “work-life balance”, it is very possible that Forbes editors would just add your name to the list of the richest people in your country. Work-life balance is discussed everywhere and it was loud about it even before the pandemic forced us to […]
RPO (Recruitment Process Outsourcing) from a recruiter’s perspective – Natalia Szubert

How does a network of HR experts help recruiters in the RPO collaboration model? Is it possible to combine the work of an RPO recruiter with freelancing? Natalia Szubert, an RPO recruiter in the IT field, talked about opportunities for growth as an RPO recruiter, professional challenges and her history at Talent Place. What did […]